Here's the thing about crayons and Play-Doh with a 15 month old. . .they don't so much care about doing with them what you should do with them. Mostly, they want to shake the Play-Doh can (which, incidentally, you'll find you appreciate because it's much cleaner than stuffing it in between the couch cushions) and they just want to stack the crayons back in the box (equally a cleaner feat than shaving the crayon on his top two teeth).
One more tip. . .don't leave the room for a second when they have either crayons or Play-Doh. Not that I've done this. . .but I can only imagine. ;-) That's a total lie. There would have been pictures to show you if I wasn't so angry at the scene I came back to. . .
We also went to the doctor this week for our checkup. Good news is that Doc M says Cole is the epitome of health and happiness and is right on schedule for his development. He clocked in at 22.5 pounds and whopping 31 inches (2.5 inches more than just last month)! We were praised for having a toddler that doesn't like juice and who eats tofu and likes it.
Although, on the topic of liking and not liking. . .I can see the dark tunnel ahead that most books call the "toddler independence" phase. Food that he loved last week is getting thrown at me this week. You'd think I was trying to pull his teeth out rather than trying to put on his shirt every morning. And his poor Cabbage Patch buddy gets tossed out of the crib at nap time. We will persevere . . .
I probably should have gotten a degree in "Finding Foods A Toddler Will Eat While Maintaining Healthy Nutrition". . .it would have come in more handy than one in English. . .God knows we are not communicating. ;-)
We did a toy swap this week too. I'm finding that is one of the chores I need to keep up on. It helps to keep my living room from looking like a Fisher Price warehouse and keeps Cole excited about his toys. His Pops and Nana gave him this creepy horse thing for Christmas and he's just now big enough to play with it. He really digs it. . .
In unrelated Cole news. . .here are a couple updates I thought some of you might like.
On today's Weelicious site. . .Think Baby kid-ware is profiled. We got this dish set for Cole and he loves it. . . especially trying to drink out of the mug. If you're in the market for a good BPA free set. . .this one is great. The bento box is especially nice for travelling. . .

And. . .the other neat thing I discovered this week is a website that Old Navy has where you can "hunt" for coupons. I found a $10 off a $30 purchase one today. Apparently they have ones like $60 off $80 purchase and more. You just need to 'click' around the site to try and find them. They are reset each week so at this point there might not be many left. . .but try early next week if you're into Old Navy.

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