As I was preparing to tell you about our 2nd Christmas with Cole, I went back to read last year's blog entry for perspective.
Not much has changed. Christmas is still a marathon three days of planning, packing, and Purell-ing but we were much better equipped to handle it this year. We knew what was coming. We knew how to prepare. Even if preparing really just means having a bottle of red wine (for Bill) and a fresh pepperoni pizza and a Ghirardelli chocolate bar (oh come on. . .I'm super pregnant) ready and waiting for our exhausted return home.
What was new and different was Cole's interest in the holiday. He brought me to the tree each morning, and together we would count to "3" and turn it on. Then he clapped and pointed out his favorite ornaments.
It was also fantastic to watch him open gifts on Christmas morning. The kitchen was a hit (although it took 2 hours to put it together on Christmas Eve!) and he was given so many thoughtful and wonderful things from family and friends. He's been playing non-stop with wooden trains, new cars, ride-ons, books. . .and the list goes on.
I'm a bit overwhelmed because I didn't think to swap out our old toys before new ones came home. And I'm entering a pack rat phase of not wanting to get rid of anything for fear the new baby might need/use it. . .though I'm pretty sure the new baby will also be bringing home ridiculous amounts of new Christmas toys, too.
And that's where we are about Christmas. It does still amaze me though. . .how much a schedule change can upset the little man. He was up 5 times during the night on Christmas Eve. . .and a few last night, too. I think sometimes his tiny brain has a tough time processing all of that activity. He had to have serious quiet time with Bill and I when we got home last night, just so he could calm down enough to head to bed!
In unborn baby news. . .I officially have outgrown any decent looking items of maternity clothing I own. With about 3 weeks left, it's silly to get anything new. . .so I'll be wearing the snuggie I got for Christmas for most of the remaining time. ;-) Not even Bill's old tee shirts cover this belly! Looking back on old blog entries also reminded me that I was thin at one time. . .and might get back there again someday. Cole was 2 weeks early. . .so cross your fingers. . .I'll update when there is an update to send.
Here are some pictures of Cole on Christmas morning. . .