Yes, I've been slacking. My apologies.
To be absolutely honest, I've had several drafts of updates saved for posting. . .I just don't finish.
I'm literally due in about 2 weeks and I'm tired. It's really only hit me this week. . .I've been very active and feeling great until this point. And even now I feel much better than I did the first time around, so I'm thankful.
Cole's also upped his ante and knows something is coming soon. He requires my constant attention. When he doesn't get it he gets very upset. And when I say very upset. . .I mean upset enough that it's impossible to do anything else in the entire house except watch his show or deal with it. So it's been an interesting few weeks that I know are just going to continue.
Some folks have suggested sending Cole to daycare to play with other kids and Bill and I agree that is something we will do. After discussing it though, right now just isn't the best time to start a new routine and we are legitimately worried about having a sick toddler with a newborn in the house. A sick toddler is a nasty thing in itself. . .and neither Bill nor I have the energy to deal with the stresses of two sick ones.
Once we figure out what it means to have two under two in the house. . .we'll bring up the topic again.
In the meantime though, I'm trying to give Cole any active attention I have in my days. We've been going and going like this is the Paradis Preschool over here! We color, and then have play doh time, and play with our dolls (trying to get him used to a little one) and we play outside and he helps me make lunch and dinner, do a few loads of laundry, he's great at unloading the dishwasher and then we both nap. . . heavily.
During craft time a few weeks ago, we made this Lightening McQueen gingerbread car. . .

A sad attempt, I'll admit. But he liked it. . .a lot.
We're off tonight to start a three day Christmas extravaganza. I'm sure it'll be much easier than last year, but I'm still dreading the lack of sleeping schedule and food on the fly that will be happening this weekend. And I'm sure our 2 month streak of not being sick will come to an end. . as it does every holiday season. Sigh. 'Tis the season. ;-)
I am excited (and will post pictures soon) of Cole's first Christmas with Santa. It'll be neat to see what he does with presents under the tree in the morning!
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