I've gone back to work at the restaurant a few nights a week. Bill stays home with the kids and Cole really enjoys his alone time with Daddy. Tilley, on the other hand, has absolutely put her tiny foot down on eating from a bottle. She will truly go 5 hours at a time without eating. We've seen her eat from a bottle so we know she knows how. . .it seems to be just her will against her tummy. And she usually wins.
Secretly, this makes me very happy to come home and have her so excited to see me. . .if only because I'm food. On the other hand. . .when I come home on nights like this. . .Tilley is the only one happy. The others have had to listen to her cry most of the evening. It's been nice to get out of the house by myself. . .even if it is to go get yelled at by people who I swear have never been out to dinner in their lives.
On another front, I'm starting the job search again. I've gotten one bite on a position out in Springfield. Unfortunately, if I'm going to work at a college again. . .it's not going to be close. Our quaint, tiny colleges in the area are just financially not doing as well as others in Boston or more south. . .so there's nothing open to apply for. We haven't really considered moving to Springfield. . .but it can't hurt to go for an interview and practice. It's been a long time.
On the home front, things are going well. I don't feel that we've settled down to a routine with Till just yet. She still sleeps when she wants to, and refuses to sleep on anything but me. It's getting tiring. . .and I know the day where I let her cry it out is coming. I just hope it's easier than with Cole. If you remember, by the end of that experiment, we both were crying. . and he slept with me for another 2 months!
Here are a few pictures from our week:
Does he need some hair help, or what?
Helping me make cookies. . .
. . .and then painting. Why waste a filthy shirt? Might as well get it more dirty!

Trying on my shoes. . .

Trying on my shoes. . .
. . .and sweet Till.
With the great weather we had last week, Cole spent much of his days outside playing in the yard. The little girl next door became a quick buddy. They shared toys (well, she shared her toys) and chased each other for days. In fact, I heard a tiny knock on the screen door one day while Cole was napping, and it was the little girl banging. . .saying "Cole? Cole?"
I guess shoo-ing away girls starts earlier than I thought.
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