So I was sitting around in my pajamas this afternoon, eating bon bons (no chocolate jokes!) and perusing the internet like I tend to do. . .when I came across this post by a favorite blogger. It was about the whimsical things one wishes they could do or be or pierce or whatever. And I started thinking. . .
. . .if I had no responsibilities, no time constraints, no nagging voice in the back of my mind, no financial burden, no one who was waiting for me to make supper, no stigma of what was acceptable behavior for a woman of my age. . .I would. . .
. . .pierce my nose. No question about it. And it would be cute and painless and never leave a scar.
. . .get Botox. And tell people about it.
. . .buy a sailboat and learn how to sail it. And then I'd live on it for two months a year with only my husband, drinking nothing but chardonnay. No cell phones, no internet, just chardonnay on the ocean, in a sailboat.
. . .finally learn to speak Italian. And how to knit. And how to play the banjo.
. . .go platinum blond. And my eyebrows clearly wouldn't match.
. . .start and finish the 29-day giving challenge. Come to think of it? I really don't have any good excuse as to why I haven't done this yet.
. . .go on a real safari. But first I would just stay at Animal Kingdom at Disney. . .you know, to get the hang of it.
. . .run for city council and not be scared if I lost.
. . .hole myself up in a cottage in the woods to write my great manuscript.
. . .travel to amazing places like Greece or Egypt or Argentina or Turkey and stay for as long as it took to see (and eat) everything I wanted.
. . .try to live on nothing but the land. Completely unplugged. Just hubby, kids and me. And we would never get sucked into bad nighttime dramas instead of talking about our day. Or eat standing in the kitchen because we didn't have time for a proper meal because proper meals would be all we'd do.
. . .oh, and I would go to the Price Is Right. Everyday. Until I was a contestant. However long it took.
So this list is heavy on travel and seclusion. Hmmmm.
I'm interested to know what you would do. Without any constraints and zero guilt. . .what would your whimsical wantings be?
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4 months ago
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