May 12th, eh? That's like. . .uh. . .um. . .141 days from the last time I posted. So there's no excuse for that. The busy line won't cut it this time, huh?
So let's start over. You and me. Me and you. Let's try to put this all behind us and start anew. Okay? Starting now. . .here's our update from the last third of our year. *holding bloggy head in shame*
The kids are big. I mean .. bi-heeehh-ig. They actually look like this. They actually eat cheese sticks like this. And they string them on their own! Do you know how long I had to string the cheese for them? It was like, at least 80 days. If I'd been around, we'd have talked about it.
This picture is actually a fantastic representation of their little personalities. Cole sizing you up from the shadows. . .the Tills right in front . . . ready to kick you in the shin at the first sign of her displeasure. Oh, and she looks like a boy. Her choice.
We ride bikes now. Well, one of us rides our bike, the other pushes it around until they get tired of that. . .and then they start chasing the other of us that is still tryring to ride our bike. We also like to wear our helmets in the bathtub. And in the grocery store. And when we go out to dinner. To church. . .the doctor's office. . .
. . .but we don't usually like to speak in the 3rd person like that. . .that's creepy and I'll try to stop.
They aren't so easily detained anymore. So, for example. . .when you've paid $8 at the country fair for a carousel ride and just before it starts to move. . .the kids feel like screaming and getting off? Guess who's getting off? Immediately. Right now. Because, man. She can kick.
But...please note: I'm always, always thinking of you. I always snap the shot before running to help. And in this case? I might have just waited a second or two to get a really good shot before helping Bill.
There was a vacation at the beach in there. Where we totally enjoyed ourselves as a family. Just the four of us. Liking each other almost all week. Can you imagine? Can you imagine if I actually remembered to put sunscreen on my nose one of these times?
Cole and the Tills have really started to dig their own things. Their imaginations grow every day. And it's hysterical. Like this time that the dinosaurs teamed up with the sea creatures and farm animals to totally kick the Lego's arses. That one was epic.
We've recently welcomed our first imaginary friend into the fold, too. His name is Johnny. And he tells Cole when he doesn't like what I've done to my hair. As in, "Maaaaa? Johnny wanted to tell you that he doesn't like your hair cut at dinner, but I told him that wasn't a good time." Thanks Cole. You're always thinking.
Johnny also doesn't like peas, baths, friends that don't share at school, pajamas, and the smell of mom's coffee. I'd like to take this time to request any suggestions you might have on getting rid of imaginary friends as quickly and painlessly as possible.
Johnny's running out of time.
And really? As much as I tried to fight it, the Disney princess thing took hold of my daughter. Every. stinking. thing. in the world. must. be. Rapunzel. Or purple. Which she thinks has something to do with Rapunzel anyway, so it's one and the same.
Tomorrow, I'll tell you about the time I practically was robbed by a 2 year old at the Disney store. Completely embarrassing. You'll enjoy it.
For now, we'll leave it that the Tills usually looks like this. Or she's wearing her Red Sox hat. There's no in between with this kid. The best, though? The dress with the hat. Classic. And usually comes with a dirty face of some sort.
But really? Over the last 140 days? They've turned into little people more and more. Little people, who cry when the junior high girls won't play with you at the park. . .and need their daddy to explain it while sitting on the sidelines.
And little people. . who tell jokes to each other that you and I totally wouldn't understand. . .but that makes them barrel over with giggles.
And little people. . .who have just as much fun with each other now as they do with us. It's one of the most amazing things to watch. When they make up a game together and somehow, they both know the rules. . .
. . .like the riding dad, half-naked game with dirty diapers. . . .that was a good one.
(Note: this is one of those times I run for the camera before I run to help. In case you forgot!)
But every now and then. . . when they aren't thinking about dinosaur wars, princess shoes, and who will be their best friend today at school. . .they'll still goof off with me in the bread aisle at the grocery store.
I mean really. . .why on earth are their mirrors up there, anyway?
Top game nổ hũ Sunwin được người chơi yêu thích nhất
4 months ago
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