
teething rings and flea markets

We haven't had too much excitement lately. Mostly, since our visit to the doctor last week, Cole has been a drooling machine. It hasn't been worth using bibs because they are soaked within minutes. He does a complete wardrobe change about three times a day just to keep him dry!

He's also putting everything he can get his hands onto in his mouth. . . including his whole fist when he can't find anything else! We both get a kick out of it when he gags himself because he smooshed his fingers in his mouth too much, just to do it again right after.

I got him a teething ring the other day, even though I don't believe we're getting teeth for awhile. Cole really likes it, especially while he's watching his Baby Einstein. . .

As soon as he figures out how big his mouth actually is and stops slamming things into it, we'll all be much better off.

Cole, Pops, Tracy, Marc and I also went to a flea market yesterday. It wasn't Cole's first trip, but it probably was the first trip he remembers. I was worried because we didn't have his stroller, but I did have our front carrier. Cole was asleep within minutes. . .and allowed us to have a nice time walking through all the junk. . .

We didn't find any treasures, but at least Cole got to take a nap!

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