Yes, it's really me.
No, I have no excuse. It's just been busy.
Here's what we've been up to over the last 2 months:
I tried to dye all of our Easter eggs with only natural, food-derived dyes. . .
They came out dark blue, or a weird yellow.
And the kitchen smelled like curry for days.
So we made an egg dude with the shrink wrappers instead. Cole didn't seem to notice.
Here he is, explaining how we decorate eggs.
Then, the spring came to our snowy, New England town and we were able to get outside for a bit. Bill always does a nice job of dressing the children. . .
And Tills started walking, running, and really playing!
Cole went fishing with my dad. . .
He insisted on keeping this fish in a ziploc plastic bag on the kitchen counter for a day.
Meanwhile, Till stayed home. . .stained her shirt and played with puppets. . .
We took the kids to the New England Aquarium where Cole put his face into the stingray tank and blew bubbles. . .
(I didn't get a picture of that because I was too busy getting yelled at by the staff. . .)
And that's not stains on his shirt.
That's stingray water.
And we colored a cardboard play house. . .
I even managed to fold it up and put it back into it's original box when Till was done ripping off the doors. . .
When we were bored, we put Mater tattoos on our faces.
But most recently, we took the kids to Maine for a small vacation.
When she wasn't running away from me at mach speed down the beach,
Till sat nicely for 30 seconds and played in the sand.
This picture was taken about 3 seconds before that shovel full of sand went into her mouth.
Cole was certainly relaxed. . .
He even ate strawberries while lounging in the pool. . .
insisting on wearing a life vest and sitting in a baby pool.
And you know?
I think Bill and I might have had a bit of fun, too.
I'll be back soon. . .