Funny that there's been that much (well, to me anyway!) to post about Cole in the last year or so that we've made it to 100. Funnier still that you're reading it. . .
Not much going on this week over here. Nighttime has gotten a bit better (except for last night). Cole has settled down into a routine and Bill and I are thankful.
Some nights, when no amount of cuddling and rocking helped to settle him down for long, Bill would go back into his room and lay him down, saying "it's time for bed now." And Cole would take a deep breath and sniffle and go back to sleep. So, unfortunately, being stern and telling Cole it's time of knock it off is our last defense. . .and it seems to work.
These pictures are small because they are cell pictures. . .but here is a picture of Cole eating a peach that he somehow helped himself to in the fruit bowl on the kitchen table. Luckily neither Bill nor I saw exactly how this maneuver happened. Cole just came into the living room snacking on a peach and sat on his chair like it was no big deal.
I also took him through the car wash yesterday. Saying he loved it would be an understatement. He laughed and pointed at the water and the brushes. I tried to get a picture but it's getting tougher and tougher for me to turn at the waist. . .especially from the front seat of the car to the back. . . but you get the picture.

And speaking of being thick around the middle. . .everything with baby #2 is going just fine and uneventful. I've already received a few presents and the new tiny pink things are strange to get used to.
We also might have decided on a name. . .but don't ask. . .we're not telling.
We also might have decided on a name. . .but don't ask. . .we're not telling.
As a test, I told some pesky coworkers a fake name to see if they'd be nice. . .and the first thing out of their mouths was. . . "oh, I don't like that" or "I knew a girl by that name and she was a . . ."
So our decision to keep it quiet has been validated. ;-) We figure by the time you're laying your eyes on that little girl. . .you'll forget how much you didn't like the name Viola in the first place.
Just kidding - it's not Viola. . .but seriously. . .don't ask.
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