Cole's 2nd birthday has come and gone. I can't believe he's 2 already! It's really been the quickest, and strangely. . .longest. . .2 years of my life.

We had quiet and small birthday celebrations this year. I don't think anyone (Cole included) was up for any big plans. We're still in the throws of those first few weeks with a newborn and there are circles under all of our eyes. It was really nice to have a cake and presents with just the three (oops, I mean. . .four) of us.
Thursday night we got together with the Goguens, who gave Cole way too much awesome stuff. And today the Paradis clan came over with way too much awesome stuff. He's surrounded by fantastic (and far too generous) gifts.
Bill and I got him the Encore Elmo doll for his birthday. I swore I'd never purchase one of these obnoxious toys. Then, one day at Target. . .while in the middle of a temper tantrum because I wouldn't get him any new toys. . .it happened. . .
I asked Cole if he'd like to say hello to Elmo and brought him over to the display. Once I saw the awe and excitement on his little face, I was hooked. Elmo came to stay shortly thereafter. . . once I found a coupon and a sale at Toys R Us, of course. ;-) And he's been living in our basement for about 3 months. . .just waiting for the big day.
And big it was. . .check out his face:
And yeah. . .next year I'll be better about remembering to get birthday wrapping paper and not cheap out and use the leftover Christmas paper. . .
Here are some more pictures of his Elmo. Please take note of the incredible mess of toys he's made a permanent fixture of our home and that precious little cowlick he woke up with. . .
Besides giving Elmo kisses, Cole also feeds him his peas. . .when I'm not looking. Smart kid.
I think Cole has come to terms with the fact that Tilly's staying. This week we've seen his attitude improve and the time outs (which were up to almost 10 a day!) have subsided. He's still very gentle and good with her, so we're very fortunate. Now. . . if she would lighten up on us a bit we'd be in good shape.
Each night around 9pm she decides to cry until midnight. I can't figure it out. . . it's almost to the minute each night. No combination of rocking, pacing, swaying, eating, burping, or changing makes her happy. And every night it's something different that soothes her. Fortunately, Cole sleeps right through it. And, until I hear otherwise. . .I'll assume the neighbors are, too!

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