I just wanted to let you all know that our computer has finally gone to the big computer graveyard in the sky. We woke up last week to the blue screen of death one morning and after many attempts (by professionals too!) we were unable to revive our aging computer.
The good news is that we invested in an external drive to back up our files and pictures. . .but the bad news is that I hadn't backed up in awhile and we lost all our pictures of Till.
Good thing we have this blog and what I've posted on Facebook. That will at least give us something to retrieve. And in the meantime, we're using a loaner from my folks.
So I'll be sure to post more pictures and updates as soon as we square away what we're going to do about a new computer.
I don't really have any updates except that Cole has been getting outside with this nice weather quite a bit and playing with the little girl next door. It's good for him to have to share and think about another kid every now and then. I do have to remind him often that he can't take things out of her hands. And it's so funny to me that even though they have the exact same toys. . .they always want each other's. Cole just has to play with the pink shovel. . .and she the blue. Go figure.
I've also been on the craigslist hunt for a new double stroller. I am refusing to pay full price for a double stroller because I know there plenty out there with more love and life to give. Folks don't use them for long. . .and you know how I feel about buying new if you don't have to.
On the other hand...I'm a gear snob. And I don't want some piece of garbage just because it's used. So I've been pretty picky about what I'm looking for and have finally found what I think will be good for us. I'm heading for a 2 hour trip tomorrow morning to pick it up. . .and I think I may have just found the only double stroller in the world that will fit in the trunk of a Subaru. ;-) It'll also let the kids face each other (seems like a bad idea), away from each other. . .or to take a seat out and make it a single.
Here's a picture if you're interested. . .

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