Well, I miss you! And I can't wait to get this computer fiasco cleared up!
Bill managed to rebuild our computer but we still are having problems getting it online. Of course it will require a call to the cable company, which I despise, so I'm procrastinating.
The kids are doing well. Cole continues to test me daily as we've entered the terrible two phase for sure. I used to chuckle at the stories I'd hear about children who were only nasty for their mothers, but sweet angels when they were in anyone else's care. Not my sweet boy, I used to think. My sweet boy loves me and loves being with me and won't act like that at all.
He acts like that. all. the. time.
Now that Tilley's hit the scene, I'm able to really see their personalities and how different they are. Cole is my high maintenance baby. . .needing constant attention and praise. (And no. . .I'm certain I had nothing to do with that!) Tilley is already a fly-by-the-seat kind of gal. She'll sit anywhere for any amount of time as long as she can watch the action.
She was giving us quite the headache a few weeks ago by refusing to take a bottle at all. I'd go to work for sometimes 10 hours straight and she would refuse to eat. When I'd come home, Bill and Tilley would both have swollen eyes and obvious headaches. But she's recently taken to eating from a bottle. . .thanks to some good suggestions from my local lactation consultant and a good buddy (thanks T!).
Big happenings this weekend. We go see Curious George Live on Saturday night. Just a Bill, Cole and I trip. Tilley's not invited. ;-) I think it'll be important for Cole to be out with just his dad and I. Maybe a quick early dinner out (I still can't get used to a 4:30 p.m. dinner. . .even if it is nicer to those around us!) and back home by bedtime. Score. It's just another sobering reminder how life has changed post-babies. ;-) Secretly. . .I'm the one excited! I'll be sure to take pictures.
Tilley has already changed so much and Cole so desperately needs a haircut that I wished I had pictures of both for you. I'm dreading our first professional haircut but I did such a hack-job on the first one, that it's getting tough to bring him out in public without his Sox hat.
Besides that. . .keep your fingers crossed that I'll actually get someone on the phone from Comcast that can help and not just put me on hold for 20 minutes!
Top game nổ hũ Sunwin được người chơi yêu thích nhất
4 months ago
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