
Updates, updates

I've been getting some questions from a few of you asking for updates on previous blogs. So why don't we do that?

Our "get-Cole-to-sleep" campaign has been going well. Maybe not well, but certainly better than before. We most usually have our daily naps in the crib with no complaints. . .and have even been found playing in the crib once awake instead of screaming our head off. Score.

For some reason though, the crib is still off limits for nighttime sleep. Cole will start the evening there, only to wake up at the exact moment that I would like to fall asleep. . .and fuss and cry for just long enough that my sleepiness passes. He will, however, fall right asleep in his pack and play and stay put for most of the evening.

Last week he slept most evenings in the pack and play from about 9:30 p.m. right up until 8:00 a.m. without waking up in the middle of the night! This week though, he is still sleeping in the pack and play, but has been waking a few times each night for just a few minutes at a time.

Here is a picture of some bubble fun with Cole and the cat.
This has nothing to do with what we're talking about, but is a super cute picture.

Okay, update #2: cloth diapers. No way. Not now. . .not during the summer. I'm not even sure how folks survived during the summer or in hotter climates with these diapers in the past. The first time I put one on him and within 30 minutes everything on or around Cole was wet. . .was the last time. How's that for an update? ;-) I'm sure there is some user error. . .but overall, they are too bulky and sticky and sweaty and overall yucky for the summertime. We'll try again when the weather is a bit cooler. . .since I bought a ton of them. . .

In other Cole news. . .we were also able to go out for dinner Friday night with Uncle Jack and Aunt Colette. We went to this great little place in town where I knew Bill's cousin, Bridget was working. It happened that she was off work at the time we came in and just had some prep work to do so she took Cole with her while we ate in peace! How fantastic is that? I didn't even plan it. . .well, sort of. ;)

Here he is writing the Saturday breakfast specials on the board!
If you have time to lean, you have time to clean!
(But you can bring your dinosaur)
That's it for now. We've finally scheduled a christening class for me to go to. . .(in my sarcastic voice). . .whoo whoo. Not sure when it'll be scheduled once I learn how to be a good Catholic, but I'll keep you all posted. At least it'll be an excuse for a party.

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