
high chairs and piggies

We haven't posted in a bit and there's really no exciting excuse. There's just not been a whole lot going on to tell you about!

This week, we finally hung curtains and some artwork on the walls in Cole's room. It's this weird thing but Bill and I never seem to have anything on our walls in any of our homes. But for Cole's sake, and the fact that he'll never sit still for change-ings (or anything else) anymore, we figured it was best to give him something to look at.

Here's the new and improved shot of the crib. Those dinosaur paintings aren't as tiny as they look in the picture. I've found Cole on several mornings talking to them and the curtains as they sway in the breeze!

This is a beautiful quilt that Bill's aunt made Cole. It was so darned pretty that I decided to hang it on the wall and let Cole snuggle with it when he's not so. . .drooly.

And finally, here's an adorable ABC canvas we found. We try to sing our ABCs while we're getting our pants changed. . .but that hasn't stopped our uncontrollable squirming that happens the minute we don't have our pants on.

In other news, Cole is really starting to get around. He's learned how to roll where he wants to go. It's really funny to watch him thinking about where he'd like to be, and start his head moving so the rest of his body will follow. It's definitely means I need to vacuum more. . .darn! Gone are the days where I could put down a quilt and a few toys and go do the dishes. He's also discovered that toes can fit in his mouth!

He's really into Baby Einstein, too. (http://www.babyeinstein.com/) For those of you that are unfamiliar with this form of baby crack, Baby Einstein is a Disney-owned company that makes baby things. . .toys, books, DVDs, CDs, you name it, really! They touted that their DVDs with moving images set to classical music raised infants IQs. . .but of course that seems to be a crock. Doesn't really matter though. . .because these child specialists really know what babies like to watch - or at least what mine likes to watch! He even talks and laughs to the puppets on the screen so I figure I'm helping his vocabulary!

Sometimes I feel badly that my child is watching "TV". . .but then I think about how his life would be if I didn't have that 30 minutes everyday to brush my hair or make dinner. . .and I realize it's really best for everyone! ;-)

This is his intense "I'm-watching-my-baby-crack-show-so-leave-me-alone" face.

And finally, Aunt Tracy got Cole his first high chair for my birthday. Funny how that happens. . .they even take over your birthday presents! Bill threw the parts all over the place yesterday afternoon and somehow put them back together to make a chair. We aren't so much into reading the directions in my house! ;-)

Cole's watching us eat. . .looks like he's ready!

And a shot of the piggies. . .'cause that's my favorite part!

Tomorrow, Cole will be attending his first triathalon as we cheer on Uncle Jack and Aunt Colette! I'll be sure to take pictures to share!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

i just figured out how to leave comments, so here i am. i'm happy the pod finally has some pictures up on his wall. :)