
teeth and triathletes

I was going to tell you about the cute, lovable, wonderful things Cole has done this week but then I decided not to lie. He's been an absolute bear all week. . .it's been a tough one. We must be in some phase - I just can't figure out what phase it is.

Our daytime naps are going like clockwork. Every two hours, for about two hours, Cole sleeps. . .and sleeps in his crib! Then, around 7:00 p.m. or so, he takes a bath, has a goodnight story and a bite to eat and is down for the night around 8:00 p.m. It has been wonderful. I've felt human. I've even (dare I say it aloud) slept in my own bed like real people with beds do. I've been able to talk to Bill and not just about Cole's poop. And. . .while we're on the topic . . .when did it become perfectly acceptable for me to talk about my baby's poop to anyone who will listen? I actually caught myself talking to the neighbor yesterday about the lack of Cole's regularity. How does this stuff just creep up on me? First the one piece with shorts and now this. . .

So anyway. . .he's been a total brute. He gets sleepy around 8:00 p.m. and then when I try to put him down, he freaks. Over and over. He absolutely wouldn't let us put him down this week. So I end up bringing him back downstairs where I swear he gives his dad a wink and a high five behind my back on his way by. And then plays. Laughs and giggles and is 100% super cute so I can't get angry that he's awake. Last night, while we were waiting for Bill to get home from LAX, he was giggling at the ugly jewelry on QVC (sort of a new obsession I have going on. . .shhh). I mean, how cute is that? He has fantastic jewelery sense already and can spot the knock off costume stuff a mile away.

Finally he falls asleep out of sheer exhaustion around 10 p.m. and wakes up about 9 times a night! We've gone from sleeping through the night to waking up almost every hour! Cole is also biting onto anything that comes within 6 inches of his mouth. He's drooling and it's given him a bit of a rash on his chin that looks worse than it seems to be bothering him. He's also been grunting. . .constantly. This was yesterday while in his swing -

So I figure we're teething. I haven't heard any stories about this nasty little attitude that comes with teeth. Bill's aunt told me her kids had teeth at 5 months but that they were a little cranky and got over it pretty quick. A friend of mine said (and you know who you are!) that her daughter "was just a little clingy" when she had a tooth coming in. My sis said that at the daycare she used to work at - they would give them frozen facecloths or waffles and they'd be just fine. None of these things are working so well with Cole. But then again, he refuses to be predictable about anything. Keeps me on my toes. ;-)

We did manage to make it to Aunt Colette and Uncle Jack's triathlon though. Of course Cole slept through the exciting parts. Here are a few pictures of the day. . .

Muscles won't help you run, Uncle Jack!

The 'real' triathlete!

This is funny because Aunt Tracy is nothing close to a sprinter. ;-)

And of course, here is Cole enjoying himself.


Anonymous said...

what the hell is aunt tracy wearing? a safety vest?

Anonymous said...

Yeah - they actually let her flag cyclists to let them know where to go!

Anonymous said...

Love the blog!

Cole is so cute and getting big.
Didn't anyone tell you guys that
parents are not suppose to get any
sleep? This is the training period
for when they become teenagers.

I think our parents use to give us
a shot of whiskey when we were
teething. Hmm, that would explain
a lot of things.

Anonymous said...

Back off Lippe, Auntie Tracy looked pretty important in her vest!

Anonymous said...

Hey, I think Auntie Tracy looks pretty important in her orange safety vest!