
a future musican eating cereal

When Cole gets extra fussy, as he's been doing lately. . .Bill plays his guitar and it mesmerizes him. Tonight, Cole was so excited to watch Bill play his guitar he was kicking and waving his arms and legs. I had to take pictures because it was so darned cute.

We got the go ahead from Dr. M today to start Cole on some solid foods, too! We will start with some cereal for a week or so and then slide into our fruits and veggies. The plan right now is to use organic store bought cereal for a bit because of the iron and I'll try to make the rest of his food. We'll see how far I get. . .you know how I get with my 'ideas'.

If there was a small doubt that Cole was ready for food. . .it was gone quick. He practically ripped the spoon away from Bill. Oh, and that is Bill's arm by the way. . .mine isn't nearly as hairy.

I'll leave you with the official 6 month stats and then share some pictures from our first bowl of cereal. There's a video at the bottom, too. . .although you know how I am with videos. . .so it's a bit shaky.

weight: 15.8 pounds
height: 27 inches

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