I got a sewing machine for Christmas and with my mom's help, I made Cole a pair of Celtics pants. Okay. . .the labor breakdown was about 96% my mom. . .4% me. But I did sew a few seams and did the pressing. Most of it. They came out wonderfully. . .and although I can't commit to deadlines, feel free to place orders for your very own Erika original Celtics pants anytime.
Cole and I also made homemade playdoh this week! Memere gave us a great book of recipes for playdoh, clay, paper mache, and other gooey concoctions. . .we tried out the salty playdoh. We won't discuss how much actually made it into Cole's mouth. . .

Overall. . .it was a good time.
And the other big deal of the day was watching the inauguration of our new President. Cole was pretty interested in the whole thing. Fitting, since he was trying to grab the pen I was using while I was voting for him. I figured maybe Cole would want to know what he was doing when the 44th President was inaugurated. . .and here's the proof. He was trying to eat carpet fuzz while watching intently.

His 1st birthday is right around the corner! We've gotten the Goguens a date for a party and now just need to finalize with the Paradis clan. First cake. . .it's a big deal. Some on one side of the aisle think that depriving the boy of his first chocolaty, fudgey, sticky, sugary decadently delicious birthday cake is abuse. . .others think allowing an infant to ingest the tiniest bit of refined sugar and starches is, too. Such a tough decision. ;-)
I'm in the middle. So. . .for the record. . .I'll be attempting to bake (and taste!) nutritious cakes made with fruit and sweetened with yummy things not found in packages at the store. Don't worry though. . .we'll still make sure there are plenty of store bought cake with make-your-teeth-hurt-sweet frosting for the rest of you. And what he doesn't know won't hurt him. There will be plenty of time to wind him up with birthday cake when I'm not able to regulate what he's eating. . .
1 comment:
Consider this our order for a pair of those pants. They are way cute.
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