
the family that eats together. . .doesn't get to watch Wheel of Fortune

I've been a neglectful blogger. . .I apologize. Here's the skinny on the last week or so. . .

We had the Goguen birthday party for Cole. It was a great time. There was cake and xylophones (did I spell that right?) and his first bike. We still have the Bob the Builder balloons, too. I strongly suggest forgoing any presents and just purchasing one helium balloon. It seems these one-year-olds would much rather bounce that off my head for weeks than play with any expensive toys. Just a piece of learned advice. . .

Here are some pictures of the day. . .

(that mystery giggler in the video is Uncle Jack, by the way!)

In other news. . .Cole is completely done eating anything that doesn't look like real food. He's usually so picky that we need to pretend his dinner is off our plates. It's helped to make sure the three of us eat dinner together at the table. I suppose that's really just good manners and good teaching. . .although I'm a big fan of eating in front of Wheel of Fortune. We all make sacrifices. ;-)

It's sort of fun trying to make a dinner that the three of us can eat. Definitely made Bill and I try a few new dishes. And Cole's having fun trying new food, too. The only problem is really paying attention to what he's eating all day to make sure I'm giving him what he needs now that we're done with formula or nursing. I've found a good trick is vegetable stock. . .put it in anything and Cole will try it. It's even better that I made the stock myself!

Here's a picture of Cole on his tricycle. You know you're getting to be a big boy when you get your first bike. . .sigh.

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