
He's walking. . .yes-sir-ee

There's been all kinds of happenings this week!

First, we had the Paradis birthday party (that will make the 3rd birthday party Cole has had!) and had a great time! Everyone was so generous and I've been having a great time playing with all Cole's new toys, too. We've been playing nonstop with a Little People airplane that makes take off noises. Awesome.

Here he is stuffing his face with birthday cake. . .looks like a happy kid.

I didn't want to tell you all too early. . .before I had proof. . .but Cole is walking! For the past two weeks or so he's been bravely "walking" a few steps from pieces of furniture but today I can say he walked. He walked about 15 feet. . . stopped. . .looked at me and danced a little. . .and then turned around and kept walking. Of course I didn't get that on video. . .but I managed to get a bit to show you.

Apparently you have to turn your head to the right to see the video correctly. . .sorry.

More soon. . .stay tuned.

1 comment:

Life with Emerson and Marleaux said...

Whooo-hoo way to go!!!! That is awesome, brings things to a new level. :^)