
a+b didn't = c. . .but this works!

I love blogging.  I really do.  Here's why. . .

#1.  I get to tell you all of my "my-kids-are-so-cute-just-listen-to-what-they-did-yesterday" stories.  And you listen.

#2.  Sometimes I rant about calmly share my opinion about something, say. . .snobby moms at the park, and it makes me feel better because maybe some snobby mom read it and won't be so snobby tomorrow.

#3.  It gives you a break from work.  Come on. . .I totally know you're reading when you ought to be working.  I'm usually writing while I should be working. . .

#4.  I really, really, really wanted to be a writer when I was a little girl.  Okay. . .or, in college.  Then I found out how (a) much that paid. . .and (b) how much my student loans were.  a + b wasn't even close to c.  Blogging makes me feel like I can do something I enjoy while keeping my brain from becoming 100% mommy mush.

This thing started as a suggestion from a buddy of mine to share pictures and stories of the main man to family who weren't close.  Don't they all?  Now. . .I've got readership.  How about that?  Readership.  Sounds fantastic.  I have people who I don't know reading about my children.  And coming back.  Freaking awesome.  I mean really. . .who wouldn't want to read about this little face?

Anyway... here's my public outcry for support:  do me two tiny favors when you have the chance. 

First, please click this link and vote for our blog on Top Baby Blogs.  It would just be cool to have it move anywhere above the #167th spot (although I think there are at least 200 blogs listed. . .so hellsya to that!).  You click once, and then click the top of the next page.  Vote as many times as you like, as often as you like, as frequently as you like. . .you get it.

Second, please leave a comment every now and then.  I know you read.  I know, because you tell me.  Okay, you don't tell me but I have that neat little counter on the page so I know if you're blog-stalking.  I don't mind you blog-stalking at all.  But just say hi.  I'll say hi back.  And tell me about your blog and I'll blog-stalk you. 

Now, onto family business. . .

Sweet Matilda is definitely teething.  Her tiny thumb is constantly in her mouth and if you come within her 6 inch wing span. . .you will be, too.  I haven't given her anything medicinal for it because I still haven't gotten over the Tylenol recall of '10.  I'm freaked and am just trying to stay Au natural.  So far, frozen teethers, cold facecloths and Cole's fingers are doing the trick. 

She's also been eating an obscene amount as of late.  I tried, just today, to give her a little cereal to see if she might be ready for solids, but no dice.  Tilley didn't even understand to swallow it.  Made a fine mess.  We'll try again in a few weeks.  Funny how I've forgotten what it's like feeding mushy, messy, smelly, liquid-solids to uncoordinated, shaky, helpless babies.  And subsequently, how many costume changes it then requires.  Ahhh, can't wait.

Cole is getting so big, so quick.  His language is really improving daily.  No, shrains (trains), ho-kay (okay), whoo hoo, shank (thank) you and posh (pops) are some favorite words.  There is really nothing cuter than when he says "hi mum" first thing in the morning.  On the flip side. . .he fell down the other day, brushed himself off, looked at me and said "ooosshhhh."  I'm hoping he meant "oops."  Actually, I'm sure he meant "oops."

And the mommy and the daddy?  We're fine.  Trying to fit in enjoying the summer as much as possible when we can.  I manage to fit in a trip to the ice cream stand almost everyday (What? I'm making memories for the kids. . .).  Bill's taken Cole out on his bike (which he absolutely loves!) and just last week won his first triathlon.  Maybe I'll have him guest post about that. . .I wouldn't do it justice to tell you about it.  We took Cole to the drive in for the first time last week and I'm also toying with the idea of a camp-out for Cole and I in the backyard. . .we'll see. . .


Layla said...

Love your blog. I'm a friend of Taryn Burns and found you through her. My blog is linked on hers: www.tilleygooseranch.blogspot.com. I can't write anything worth reading. But I do have one super cute boy! Thanks for writing and sharing and making me laugh!


Taryn said...

You know I am here. :)

Amber for teething. If you dont still have a necklace I can get you one when we get back.

Lori said...

Voted for you: check
Commeting: Check
Following you: check (not even sure if you put this down as part of your public outcry, but it's done and done!)

Your little ones are too cute :)