
a quilted lunch bag for a workin' man ain't so cool

So. . .I've been busy plucking money off of our money tree in the backyard the last few weeks (okay, that's a lie).  But I have found some great sites/stores/stuff lately that I wanted to share.

Fantastic website for those of you (like yours truly) that really doesn't know great kids books.  I'm fortunate that I have a mother-in-law who is the walking library of all great baby books, but I often forget to ask for suggestions.  This site will link up to Amazon after suggesting some great books that either didn't make it big or got swept under the proverbial 'book carpet.'
Cole's current faves:

I'm such a feet-dragger, but preschool for Cole is still on the table.  In a moment of weakness a few weeks back, I ordered labels for his personal items that he'd be leaving at school.  I found a fantastic SAHM who makes day-care labels from home at a great price.  And man. . .are they cute!  And if he doesn't end up going. . .I can just use them to label his father and I.

Finally, I'm completely, whole-heartedly and 110%-ly addicted to Etsy.com lately.  I love that you can find just about anything homemade in the universe on this site.  This has nothing to do with children. . .but just some of my other, current, loves.

In my attempt to create less waste and save the world, I bought reusable snack bags from this shop.  Do you know how many plastic baggies I was going through, just packing daily outing snacks for Cole?  My goodness.  Now, we're styling adorable quilted owl bags that you pop into the laundry after you're done. . .easy peasy.  My own "uh oh" was the morning I was packing Bill's lunch and went to put his sandwich in this:

Right.  Probably not so cool to take on a job site. 

Another "oh-my-gosh-this-is-the-cutest-thing-ever" moment. . .If you've got a birthday, holiday, christening, surgery, whatever. . .coming up. . .you'll probably be receiving one of her darling rings.  Check out her stuff. . .ahhhmazing.

And that's some places out in cyberworld that I've been loving lately.  Thought I'd pass along.

In family news. . .we're in the final countdown until vacation.  VACATION.  I haven't had a vacation in. . .like. . .years.  Plural years.  This will be a beach vacation, complete with all the kiddies and Uncle Jack, Aunt Colette and cutie-pie cousin Cora. . .and is sure to be a blast.   So. . .T-Minus 5 days. . .

Matilda and Cole are just fine and doing wonderful.  Cole is speaking more and more each day.  This morning, he gave me a fist-pump while yelling "oohhh yeahhh maaaa" when I gave him eggs for breakfast.  I usually give him eggs for breakfast. . .but apparently these were extra special.

Miss Tilley is. . .come closer because I don't want the universe to hear me say this out loud. . .sleeping through the night!  Yes. . .she absolutely is.  She goes down around 10 p.m. and I don't hear from her again until about 7:00 a.m.  There is a God.  And (s)he realizes (s)he gave it to us pretty tough there with Cole.

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