I thought I'd let you know how the homemade baby food is going. I'm actually making some - so I'd say it's going pretty amazingly, then. My only darn it! moment came when I paid way too much for an organic avocado. . . (too much in terms of price for one fruit, not really too much considering the price of baby food). . .pureed it, froze it. . .and then forgot it on the counter top overnight when I was thawing the cubes a little bit to transfer them to a freezer bag. Darn it!
I guess it was okay anyway. . .have you ever seen an avocado poop? My goodness. . .
Yesterday I roasted and pureed a sweet potato and it filled an entire ice cube tray! Cole eats about one cube per meal. . .so I'd say that potato did just fine! Considering I paid $2.99 for two tiny jars of organic sweet potatoes last week. . .I think we'll keep up this making baby food thing.
Here are some of my 'cubes'. . .can you tell I'm so proud?
Today, I have a bunch of carrots that I picked up at the farmer's market this morning that I'll steam, puree and freeze for Cole. There's also a mango in the fridge that I picked up at the natural foods store this week but I'm unsure quite what to do with one. . .so I'll tread lightly with that.
Cole is really getting around these days! He's mostly army-crawling (no offense Uncle Tim ;-) ) but he's starting to use his knees now, too. I'm seriously considering buying one of those big gate things so I can contain the little speed racer.
Here he is this afternoon being cute for the camera:

1 comment:
You go girl. The need for Pureeing foods doesnt last long. We are shopping tomorrow for more "real" foods for Emmi. I even made her Oatmeal cookies tonight. :^)
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