My son is a shoplifter. It's sad but true. We went to the Mall of New Hampshire today to spend some time away from our new carpet (the new carpet smelling fumes were killing us both!) and Cole tried to smuggle a treat for himself out of a store.

We also scheduled Cole's first pictures for next week! Wait until you see what I've planned for him to wear. . .even down to his hat. These will definitely be pictures that we'll use to embarrass him in front of his first girlfriend. . .when he's 30. ;-)
Cole was a fantastic little guy until we were in the Disney Store. We do a leisurely lap around the store and as I'm wheeling him down the aisle that leads outside. . .a store employee steps in front of us, gives me a nasty look and says "You're not going to put that back, are you?"
I look at Cole and he's got half of a stuffed Bambi's head in his mouth and two hoofs are soaked. He'd been sucking on the darned thing for awhile, it would seem. And no. . .I didn't see him grab it. And yes. . .I know it's large. Don't judge. Now I know the length of his reach. . .
And of all the Disney characters to choose from. . .Bambi? So weird. But fortunately for me, Bambi was on sale. Cole would hardly let it out of his reach to scan the tag. We got home and he insisted on napping with Bambi. . .and here are some pictures of the two new friends playing.
Also. . .he's started to climb on everything! We've started to baby-proof the place to level 2. . .standing. Here he is standing on the gate. . .now he just needs to figure out how to get back down!

1 comment:
my first heist was grape hubba bubba gum from michael's market. of course, i was 5. i think any mother is in trouble if their kid starts thieving before they can talk. or walk... :)
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