My disclaimer is that you need to always put this kind of information into perspective but I am a firm believer that too much information isn't always bad thing and that as a mom, it's my responsibility to be informed. So I share with you. . .take it or leave it. . .here's a link to the article and a PDF cheat sheet to use when shopping for products.
Most of you that know me, know that I've been on this boat for awhile, and that products we use on or around Cole are usually certified organic or all-natural. And. . .as an aside. . .those of you that think I'm crazy need to scrub your shower with a mixture of baking soda and vinegar! You'll never see a cleaner tub. . .and it will remind you of making a homemade volcano in 6th grade science class. ;-) Nothing cleans a kitchen sink like a halved lemon, either.
Secondly. . . I read about another study that has found mercury in high fructose corn syrup. . .which, you quickly discover when scouring ingredient labels. . .is in everything. There's not a whole lot of options to avoid corn syrup. I think the initial concern is for pregnant women to avoid anything with traces of mercury. . .but I'm sure it could effect the wee ones, as well.
Unrelated to this information, we've limited Cole's exposure to corn syrup anyway. Mostly because I'd rather he eat natural sugar and foods that have been as minimally processed as possible. I think we've been fortunate that our plan for Cole's culinary delights have worked out so far. . .and I've never seen a baby scarf down fresh onions and peppers like our boy! He's easily the smallest thing with the worst breath.
And. . .another aside. . .because I'm not Susie Homemaker. . .the three of us eat the same meal each night which has forced Bill and I to eat much more organic food than we had pre-Cole. The difference in taste when we eat at restaurants or fast food (God forbid!) is unbelievable.
My two-second soap box rant would be for you to try and buy local, organic produce this summer from your farmers' market. . .and you'll soon notice the difference. It's cheaper and fresher than what you'll find in the grocery store and you'll be supporting not only organic farming. . .but your local area, too. Okay. . .I'm done lecturing. . .
This is, after all, a blog about Cole so here's a super cute picture of he and Mick (the Cabbage Patch's official name) cuddling while watching Curious George the other morning.

1 comment:
Love it and we are right there with ya. :^)
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