In celebration of Earth Day. . .I figured I'd share some of our household's greener tendencies for you. . .and possibly outline some greener resolutions for next year.
Most of my environmental consciousness has stemmed from one of two things: concern for keeping things healthier around or for the baby and keeping our costs down where we can. Regardless of where it comes from. . .it's made us change some habits and the three of us are benefiting.
We buy organic. Especially fruits and veggies. Just recently I'm starting to cut back on purchasing organic processed foods (like mac and cheese, spaghetti sauces, pancake mix, etc.) but we always commit to buying organic staples like milk, cheese, eggs and bread. And trust me, we notice a difference in flavor.
We use natural cleaners. Not only does this help the environment and keep us healthier, but it's also much cheaper than using commercial cleaners! I think I've said before that baking soda and vinegar are the two best (and cheapest!) cleaners around. This also applies to other cleaners like laundry and dish detergents, too. A box of the ecological laundry powder runs about $3 less than a detergent like Tide and is much better for the planet. Of course the only trouble is getting Bill to remember that the washer needs to fill with water before dumping in the powder. . .
We use reusable cloth items, like napkins and dishcloths. You don't really notice the laundry, and we've pretty much ditched paper napkins and use cloth everyday. I'm also slowly getting rid of dish sponges and am using bamboo dishcloths that can be washed and reused.
We use reusable shopping bags and rarely take plastic shopping bags from stores. We really don't use plastic shopping bags anymore and our local recycling center doesn't take them so when I get them, I find a place in town that will recycle them for us. Most time though, I'm the person holding way too many groceries in my arms waddling to my car. Plastic bags are so bad for the environment that I try very hard not to use them if I can. My favorite pet peeve is when I tell a bagger that I don't need the bag. . .just for them to take my items out. . .and throw away the bag! Gah!
We buy local when we can. This includes not only fresh items like veggies and fruit, but dairy too. There's a lot of great New Hampshire companies that provide local groceries and the price difference isn't very much. The less time our food is traveling to us, the less pollution the trucks make, or gas they use. In most cases. . .the mom and pop company is usually less. Living the Local Life is a great blog that can help acclimate you to NH products and services.
We shop consignment. I know I've raved about this again and again. . .but it keeps clothes out of landfills and gives them a new life. If there was a decent consignment around here for Bill and I. . .we'd do it, too. Although I'm seriously considering calling a few friends and doing that "closet swap" idea where you bring clothes you just don't wear anymore to swap with friends. For the past 1.5 years my designer label has been the Target brand of tee shirt (spit up cleans up nicely off of it). . .but they're in good shape. Anyone interested? ;-)
We recycle everything we can. Unfortunately our town doesn't have a large recycling center, so what can be recycled is limited. But we do recycle everything we can. Some things I recycle within in the house. . .or use other places.
There are some things on my "green wish list" that I've been meaning to do. . .I'll publicly tell you here so there's some commitment on my part to make them happen.
I'd like to grow more of our food. I say "I'd like to" because I've tried. . .and there's no one I know with a blacker thumb than I. Currently, I've got two tomato plants, lettuce, swiss chard and radishes all rotting in pots in the backyard. And I only watered them once! My good intention is there. . .I just need some help.
I'd like to start a kitchen compost. Maybe hard to do with a baby? Maybe not. Maybe that's the answer to my bad gardening? The thought of letting my garbage sit around in a two bedroom condo isn't very appealing. . .but what I'm reading tells me if done correctly, I'll never know it's there. Hmmm. . . .
I should unplug my electronics when not in use. This can really save electricity and cut your energy bill down. . .which we can always use. But it's just seemed like a pain in the pants to go around and plug and unplug. . .plug and unplug. My aversion here is just plain laziness. . . so I should tackle this one first.
Cole is still a bit young to appreciate Earth Day. . .but with a husband that loves the outdoors and nature, it seems probable that we will have an annual Earth Day tradition. . .like a family hike and picnic, perhaps. Maybe we'll plant something together. . .as long as I'm not the one doing the planting!
Here's a candid of the little man this week. . .

1 comment:
Here is how you can start you kitchen compost:
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