Damn playdates.
The nastiest bout of flu I can remember has almost passed its way through the Paradis household. . . not before taking a Goguen or two out of commission, as well. It came on quick, stayed strong, and lasted about three days. We've each taken turns sleeping on the couch and without sharing the horrid details. . .I'll just say that bedding has been washed. . .and rewashed. . .and washed again for good measure.
That's not the reason for the update, though. What we really should talk about is why none of you mentioned how much vomit could come out of an infant!?! And with what force. . .and how it could get on every surface within three feet of his mouth. . .and how often that could happen without too much medical alarm or concern. . .and what happens in the diaper area after. . .and that it would all happen at 3:00 a.m. when I didn't have any other clean sheets!!! I mean, come on, laundry day was tomorrow.
I could probably recount a few more "why didn't you tell me's?" . . . but I'm sure there are non-mom types reading who don't need to know more than that.
Just one more thing before I put this to rest. . . honestly. . . how can it smell so bad? Seriously?
I thought I'd pretty much graduated the "bodily fluids on your face" class after Cole's first year. Not so. I'm actually not even confident enough to say I've passed it now. I apparently have no idea what other things these children can spew at you. Logic tells me if they get larger. . .so must the spew. Can't wait.
Seriously though. . .Cole was pretty freaked for a day or so but after awhile he started getting used to getting sick. He'd be running and playing and just turn his head and vomit without losing a step. That's my multi-tasker. I'd started getting smarter too and realized bananas smell relatively pleasant anytime.
The good news is that Bill was the last to get the crud. . .and he's on the mend now. I don't have any pictures to share this week (thank goodness!) but here's the cutest little toy a friend of mine showed me this week. The Easter bunny might just bring one for Cole. . .

I'm gravitating toward the cow. . .
1 comment:
how could you not love the cow? the blue horse is creepy.
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