
flu shots and cheerios

Cole had his weight check today with Dr. M and I'm happy to report that he passed with flying colors. He clocked in at 17.7 pounds. . .about a pound heavier than our last visit. He hasn't grown in length enough to notice. . .but he's gaining weight the way he should according to Dr. M. . . .phew.

We did, however, have to get a flu shot. I didn't have Pops to hold Cole down this time either. I'm pretty sure the shot was tougher on me than Cole. Cole barely flinched! Tough to keep track of all these vaccines but the flu can be a nasty thing for an infant. . .so Dr. M gave us a preservative-free option (meaning no Thimerasol. . .which is linked to Autism in some children) and we decided it was the best option for us.

Dr. M is also my doctor and Bill's doctor. . .and we'll both be looking forward to getting our flu shots at our next visits. Great!

Cole and I have been trying to stay as active as we can while the weather is cooperating. We bundle up each afternoon and still go for our walks. . . he doesn't try to tear his hats off anymore, either!

Here we are getting ready to go. . .

Cole also tried yogurt for the first time this week. Sorry to say I don't think he's a fan. . .yet. I'll try to disguise some in some banana mush later and see if that works.

Is that priceless? Funny that he still opens his mouth for more while making that face!

Cheerios were a big hit this week, too! He finally has seemed to learn how to grab food and feed himself. For awhile there. . .I'd hand him pieces of banana or a piece of tofu and he would just smash it in his fist and laugh. Today, he grabbed the Cheerio. . .placed it very carefully in his mouth. . .and was very proud of himself!

1 comment:

Life with Emerson and Marleaux said...

Yeah Cole. Glad to hear things are going well. Make sure you get the Thimersol free flu shot for yourself as well. :^)