
Cole's big dunk

Cole had his "big dunk" last weekend. Sunday was his Baptism at St. Pat's during the regular Sunday mass. Bill and I had gone to a class to get us familiar with what was going to happen but neither of us remember them telling us that we'd be so involved from start to finish in the mass!
We were told to follow the priest down the aisle to start the mass which sounded harmless enough. . .until he stopped at the back of the church, announced to everyone that we were Cole's parents and would be having him baptised today. . .and then proceeded to ask me to tell the congregation what we wanted from them on Cole's big day and throughout "his Christian life." OMG. I hadn't had a feeling like that since sophomore year geometry when I hadn't done my homework in 5 weeks and was being asked to explain the problem on the board.
I'd like to tell you what I said but I've blacked it out of memory. . .I seem to remember asking them to help us teach Cole faith. . .or something of that sort. Then Uncle Jack and Aunt Colette (Cole's godparents) brought up the gifts, and the five of us were called up to the dunking booth in the middle of mass for what seemed like an eternity.
Incidentally. . .I'm sure it wasn't all that long but I thought I might pass out when I watched the priest with the shakes hold Cole up over his head to show the congregation their new member.
We then headed out to breakfast and the whole deal was done in just a few hours. Of course our families were more than generous to Cole, we had a lot of fun, and Cole still smells of the oil the priest doused him in.
Unfortunately, I told Aunt Tracy not to use a flash in the church (I know, I know. . silly) and so we don't have any pictures from the ceremony. I will, however, show you the shaky priest picture and just apologize that it's fuzzy:

Please notice his monkey shoes.
I'm pretty sure every good man started with a pair of monkey shoes. . .
regardless if he's wearing a dress.

And here are a few from breakfast with his godparents:

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