So let's see. . .what's been new this week?

Cole's still fussy with what I think is more teeth on our horizon. He's not sleeping through the night. Cole was sleeping through the night a few weeks ago, and then he started getting the two bottom teeth - and now he wakes 2-3 times a night. It's not fun. Luckily, he's only awake for a few minutes and then back to sleep for a few hours.
We've got quite a daily routine down, though. . .and Cole certainly appreciates it. His naps, feedings, and bedtime routine are like clockwork. I'm not home a few nights a week now due to work, and Bill has become a master of putting Cole to bed. Some nights when we are both home I ask him to do it because Cole responds much better to dad's bedtime routine than mom's. ;-)
Cole has started to crawl which has been exciting. He gets up on all fours, and really thinks about what to move and how. . .and then makes a few "steps" before falling down to scootch the rest of the way.
Here are a few pictures of Cole tackling his Teddy this morning:

And then realizing I have a camera and crawling toward that. . .

Cole spent a bit of yesterday afternoon at Memere Paradis' with Aunt Debbie and Aunt Pat. He was totally worn out and slept like a champ when he got back (I'm sure they did, too!). He came home with some new toys and had a great time.
Aunt Debbie also gave me a fantastic book by Jessica Seinfield (Jerry's wife), called Deceptively Delicious. It's loaded with fun kid-friendly recipes that "hide" nutritious fruits and veggies into traditional kid fare (i.e. macaroni and cheese with pureed squash in the cheese!). I've already looked through the entire thing! Although Cole isn't ready for mac and cheese yet. . .Bill might be the perfect guinea pig for some scrambled eggs with cauliflower! ;-) Thanks Debbie!
Check it out if you're interested:
The only other thing we're dealing with right now has to do with our nursing schedule. So here is my disclaimer:
Stop reading now if you're like my friend Kara and :
1. refuse to believe I have that anatomy
2. refuse to discuss that I use them to feed my son
Okay, now that we have everyone on board that wants to be. . .
I think Cole and I are starting to wean from nursing and it's a bit sad to think it's come earlier than I would have liked. My work schedule and my place of employment isn't conducive to pumping so I've slowly started to deplete the source. Some would say, "just pump in your car", but it isn't safe for me to do that in an empty parking lot at midnight.
For the past 7 months Cole was 95% breastfed and we supplemented with formula a tiny bit when we travelled or to mix with food. Within the past month we've gone to a 50 - 50% and we're going through cans of formula much quicker. Cole will nurse for about 20 minutes and then be hungry shortly after as opposed to eating 8 ounces of formula and being fine for a few hours. We do still use nursing to soothe him and to put him to sleep which is nice.
In my fairytale world of what it was going to be like when I was a parent, I was planning to breastfeed right up until a year old and possibly later. When I think about how tough it was to breastfeed at first - I can't believe we've lasted this long. I can remember literally crying those first few weeks when I'd hear Cole wake up for another feeding!
On the plus side. . .gradually decreasing his nursing has made weaning more comfortable for me physically. I've not had any of the discomforts people complain about and I'm certainly ready to be able to have a scotch and a beer whenever I'd like. ;-) But there is something to be said for the bonding of breastfeeding. . .and if you've done it you'll understand. . .that it's a tough thing to give up.
So I'll keep you posted on that! ;-) I'm also researching where to have Cole's first professional pictures taken. If you have any suggestions. . .send them my way.
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