Bill and I have been getting ready for the new baby. Well, Bill mostly. I'm having a tough time staying awake long enough to spend any quality amount of time with Cole during our day. On days that I have bundles of energy. . .I unload the dishwasher. ;-)
I'm finding it especially helpful to not be in the dark this time around. I know what happens when you get home with a new baby. It's not pretty. I'm well aware that my tiredness and sleep deprivation (such a cruel side-effect of late pregnancy, I might add) will not end soon. And, as my almost 2 year old reminds me often. . .reaching a certain age does not mean they sleep through the night.
I painted my toes last night. I can't remember the last time that happened. I can, though. . .remember a time where I would take an extra long lunch break every Friday afternoon to go have a mani/pedi. Every Friday. And every other Friday I'd schedule a facial and not go back to work at all. I've caught myself looking down at my toes a few times today and smiling. Sigh. Times have changed.
Made me realize that this time around, (and just in time for a New Year's resolution. . .) that it's important to make the time to do things for me. . .and for us. Having Cole is the most wonderful thing that has happened to Bill and I and to us together. . .and baby 2 will add more. . .but it's equally so important to nourish a bit of what kept us going before babies. Even if it's just having 20 minutes to paint toes.
And. . .5 minutes before baby 2 is due to arrive is probably not the best time to go scheduling date nights or pedicures. . .but at least the sentiment is there. Cole and new baby girl will be better off for it, too. It's so easy to get caught in the daily grind that weeks go by and I realize that I haven't asked Bill how his day was. . .in days.
As we watched the ball drop on New Year's Eve. . .Bill and I looked at each other and said "we're doing a good job." And it's true. The last year sure wasn't easy. . .and 2010 probably won't be much easier. . .but it's all that had to be said to reaffirm that we're in this together and happy to be doing it.
Now. . .enough of that stuff. The "Take Care of Ourselves" resolution is in writing so I can't back down. The family news of the week is that we are still sick. Fortunately, it seems to be head colds which I'll take any day over what I'm hearing other family members have drudged up during holiday get togethers. I do so hate it when Cole wakes up crying because his nose is raw and throat hurts and nothing will help. . .par for the course I suppose.
And finally. . .doc says we'll meet baby #2 anytime. . .or in the next 3 weeks. So helpful. A gaggle of Bill's aunts circled me during Christmas and gave me some. . .um. . .colorful ways they got their labors going. Since this is a family blog I won't repeat. . .but they are a fun bunch of gals. And at the very least, I had a good laugh and it brought on a fake contraction. So maybe they were onto something. . .
I took a few pictures of an unhappy Cole this afternoon after his nap. Notice his Curious George pajamas (we've only been in PJs for days now) and the red circles around his eyes and nose. Poor thing. A banana shake and a movie always makes him feel better, though.

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