What gets into that head of his, I don't know. . .but it was very nice. . .and it was like another Christmas morning when Cole woke up and saw the masterpiece.
I took a few pictures for you. . .Bill called them "artsy art school photos" that don't really catch Cole's reaction at all. I suppose I agree. But you can judge for yourself:

Still no baby. I've tried working, too. I worked three days this week hoping that the movement would get things rolling. No such luck. It did, however, provide me with pretty good sympathy tips. . .so that was at least profitable. I've eaten the spicy food, drank the tea, did squats, thought about washing the kitchen floors on my hands and knees. . .but decided against that pretty quick. This baby is just going to come when she's good and ready. Hopefully that's tomorrow. ;-)
I also need to stop my compulsive "must have" shopping for baby. Today was the last purchase. I'm putting that in writing so it's official. I picked up an Ergo Baby Carrier (like the 3 different baby carriers I already own wouldn't be sufficient). . .complete with an organic infant insert, and a Bebe Au Lait nursing cover.
I probably spent 85% of Cole's first year nursing him in my bedroom or in some other section of seclusion and refuse to do it again with #2. So. . as a warning to you all. . .the nursing cover is on the way and there will be public nursing. Well, public with covers. You know what I mean. ;-)
I was chatting with one of Bill's cousins the other day and we were discussing the accommodations at the maternity ward. Is it bad that I'm actually looking forward to three days with nurses taking care of me and food service? Should I not be considering this is a tiny vacation. . .even if it includes a few stitches? A private room with pull out couch. . .tv with cable. . .a practical mini-bar (assuming we stock it appropriately). . . She warned me that the hospital staff offered her an early release. . .and she firmly (and politely) turned them down. There's no way I am leaving early. . .kicking and screaming, maybe.
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