Bill and Cole went out for a bit to play today. I think this might have been Cole's first snow-suit-required outing. He wouldn't keep his mittens on, so it ended quickly. . .but he had a blast.

Then, of course. . .it's time for hot cocoa. . .

Bill's been home and I'm thankful. I don't think our "transition to four" would be going as smoothly as it is without him. He's constantly on Cole patrol; making sure he's getting good attention and good play time. I'm pretty tied up with Tilley. She's nursing every 5 minutes, so she's attached to me most of the day. There's been a few times when Cole doesn't understand why I'm holding her so much, and has tried to take her from me. Besides that. . .he's usually trying to rub her head and kiss her. . .I'm considering ourselves very lucky to have such a great kid.
I encountered our first "tub terd" last night. It only took 23.5 months for it to happen, too. I put an extra amount of Burts Bees Bubblebath in the tub last night for Cole. . .which added to the trouble.
Cole was playing on his belly as he tends to do lately in the tub (pretending to swim) and all of a sudden I see him playing with something under the bubbles. . .you know where this is going, don't you?
He's got about 500 tub toys so I don't think anything of it. . . until it comes up from the bubbles a bit and I think "where did he get a candy bar?" And it hits me. . .oh. . .&*#%.
I'm trying to scoop it out and Cole thinks it's a game and it's breaking all over the place and on his toys and on him and on me. And then there's the part where I have to drain the bath but somehow keep him and his nasty toys inside and refill the tub. All the while trying to clean feces out of the occupied tub. . . I've probably gone too far with the description so I'll stop here.
But you understand, right?
And I hear Tilley crying and Cole's crying. . .and I start crying. Because come on. . .I just had a baby and a tub terd and the new Folgers commercials are just enough to get me going.
I cleaned everything up, put Cole to bed and found Tilley with a big old hot mess in her pants, too. Pile it on, kids. . .pile it on.
I'll try to get some pictures up of her soon. Every time I think of it, she's sleeping. . .and although I would love for you to see her. . .I'm just not willing to risk disturbing the small amounts of quiet I get. . .not just yet. ;-)
1 comment:
You might find it helpful to keep a slotted spoon handy by the tub. Just saying....
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