baby's first christmas. . .is done, thank goodness.
The smallest person needs the most stuff. Diapers and food and bottles and toys and extra clothing (because I've already learned that lesson the hard way) and teething rings and rash cream (although we've never had a diaper rash) and don't forget the Tylenol because you never know what might happen. . .and while we're thinking about it, might as well throw in the thermometer because they probably don't have one where you're going. And oh, right. . .the Cheerios and snack trap and those little disposable place mats you bought that stick to the table to protect your hosts' dining tables. . .and how about some Aleve for mom, too? And where are the car keys. . .again?
Repeat that for about four days.
Then we get where we're going and it's miserable trying to keep Cole in one place because Christmas is exciting and the other kids are exciting and presents are exciting and putting ribbon in our mouth is exciting and stairwells with no gates are exciting and so are sharp-edged coffee tables. Which for some reason, doesn't matter how many times we pop our head on it we're going to do it again. . .and again. . .
And it's okay because it's Christmas and we love our families and want to spend time with them during the holiday. . .
But what all the other people with small children don't tell you. . .is that you don't really spend any time with your families at all. . .because you're busy doing all of the above and actually spend most of the day on your knees. . .roughly 6 inches in back of Cole with one hand ready to stop him from pinching his cousin, or putting that pebble that he found on the carpet in his mouth. . .
And we haven't even gotten into the amount of loot you come home with during this first Christmas with a baby. . .
Plastic toys as big as furniture that light up and play music are in every corner of the place. He was given 4 ride on toys. . .and he doesn't have any friends! I'll have to recruit neighborhood kids to start a bike gang so they can ride together. Everyone was so generous and we really are so lucky.
But the things he wants to play with the most? The boxes. . .the wrapping paper. . .the bows. You mean that's all we had to get him for Christmas? Does that last for the 2nd and 3rd Christmases?
The one thing we take solace in. . .is that we see other family members have come through the throws of the first few Christmases better for it. They trudge in, having spent hours in the car with one kid in each arm, one tiny bag slung over a shoulder, and are happy with happy kids. They say 'Merry Christmas' and mean it. We'll get there. . .we just need to find our groove. ;-)
Am I psyched about this seat or what?
I'm a published author!
A buddy of mine turned me on to this website called Baby Cheapskate. It's a fantastic site that I've used pretty frequently to find great deals on baby gear, toys and diapers. Each week the author researches the best prices for formula and diapers. That's my 2 second plug for the site. . .check it out if you are a mom or not. . . you can find great deals for the little ones in your life.
Anyway. . .I wrote a review of Luvs diapers for the site and it was published today. They reimbursed me for the price of the diapers. . .so. . .that would mean I was officially compensated for my writing. So I'm published and paid. ;-)
Here's a link to the review. . .
meetin' the big guy
new teeth + no sleep = an empty bottle of chianti
Bill and I are walking around the house in sleep deprived vegetative states; reminiscent of those first few weeks with our little man. Cole has refused to sleep for more than 2 hours at a time all week. He doesn't want to be held, but he doesn't want to be put down. . .and he is biting everything and everyone around him.
He's a big fan of these teething biscuits I found for him. Just to see what they were like I tried to bite one. . .and couldn't. Cole had the biscuit in pieces within a minute! I've been freezing thick carrots to give him to suck and bite on and that seems to work, too.
This tooth will make his first on the top and has just broken the surface of the gums yesterday. There's another on the top that I can feel budding through as well . . .so I'm sure his restless biting will continue for some time.
Making matters worse, he has a pretty nasty cold to top it off. He can't breathe when he's eating, which makes him cry, which makes his nose run more, which makes him cry. . . repeat. . .repeat. . .repeat at 2:30 a.m.. . . repeat at 4:30 a.m. . . .which makes me cry. . .which makes my nose run. . .
In positive news, he's mastered crawling away from me at top speed the second he sees the bulb syringe approaching.
The house smells like eucalyptus. Humidifiers are going at a constant full speed. . .boxes of Kleenex on every table. . .it must be winter. The only time he's been sick is exactly one day after we've seen other kids. . .if only we could keep him in a bubble. ;-)
Cole did manage to play a little guitar with his dad yesterday. . .Bill pulls out the guitar and plays a little for him and he joins in. Cole actually cries when guitar time is over! At his request, Bill is not in the video. . .so don't tell me I'm horrible for only focusing on the kid.
It's a bit grainy and dark because the only light on was the Christmas tree, but I think it looks more rock star that way.
save some turkey for someone else!
Here is he finishing off the turkey leg we gave him. . .
We also had our 9 month visit with Dr. M earlier this week. Proud to say Cole clocked in at 18.9 pounds and 28.5 inches. Looks like he has no problem with the weight issue anymore.
Can't believe his next visit will be at his year check up. . .man, this is going by so fast!
one minute of madness
One more "darn it!" to put in the books. ;-)
picture day!
I know I said I wouldn't do it again. . .
Cole and I had lunch yesterday with a friend that is the Director of Counseling Services at a local college. Here he is relaxing on the floor in her office having his first therapy session. He even looks like the epitome of mental health. . .
I also was going through some old posts ( I can't believe we've reached 43 already!) and think we should clear a few things up:
* that butternut squash I said to try. . .don't bother. It was terrible.
* none of you could tell me that his cloth diaper was sticking out of its protective waterproof covering? No wonder he peed over everything in a 3 foot radius! Look at this picture:
* we haven't actually been to church with Cole yet except for the Baptism.
* I'm still talking about Cole's poop to anyone who will listen.
his first heist!
that darned miss mary beth!
Picture it. . .we're in a cute kid-inspired decorated room in the library. . .about 15 moms with babies ranging in ages from 6 months to about 18 months. . .all laughing and playing and running around. . .they hand us a book, some bubbles, a jingle bell and a plastic Easter egg filled with rice. Miss Mary Beth holds a large stuffed Pooh Bear and tells us all to sit down in a circle and we'll get started. How much more fun could you have at 10 a.m. at the library?
We sing hokey pokey . . . we sing our alphabet. . .we say a few nursery rhymes. . .we blow bubbles. . .and "jingle" along to a kiddie rendition of YMCA. . .and I'm thinking, this is great. Cole is in absolute amazement of the place and the kids and the singing and fun going on. And then it's time to read our books. . .
We are told to sit the babies on our laps crossed legged. We all have the same book and the plan is that we'll all read them together. So I sit Cole down. . .which, incidentally, is how he sits with Bill every evening when they read their books together so Cole eagerly finds his place on my lap and is ready to go. . .and we start reading.
And he starts fussing. Almost immediately. The other children are mesmerized by their moms reading a story that is echoed throughout the room. Mine is trying to pull away from me in that way he arches his back and pushes at my face to break free. Miss Mary Beth looks at me to make sure everything is okay and I somewhat forcefully replace Cole to my lap and whisper to him that mom is reading him a story, too. . .and he loves stories. . . and should be good to mom in front of other moms and listen to the story. . .especially while we're in public at the library. . .but he just keeps trying to break free.
I can see that I'm losing this battle so I gingerly put Cole on the floor to see what he'll do. It seems, at first, that he still wants a story but just would prefer being on the floor. Phew. I continue to read. And then he turns around. . .and starts to crawl through the circle. . .over to Miss Mary Beth. . .puts his head in his hands and intently continues to listen to her read the story!
And I'm abandoned across the circle, with my book still in my hand. . .and moms are looking at me because my baby obviously would rather listen to Miss Mary Beth. . .and I panic. So I give one of those "silly kids. . .what won't they do?. . .please excuse us" sort of smiles and I grab Cole and bring him back. We immediately go through the same process. . .he breaks free and crawls across the circle to another mom. . .puts his head in his hands. . .smiles this time. . .and listens to her read the story.
This is where I give up. I figure it's not a huge deal if Cole wants to listen to other moms read him a story. . .regardless of how damaging it is to my ego. . .but now the issue is. . .I'm still by myself in the circle reading a baby book to no one! And I continue to read to myself! Baby cake. . baby cake. . I love you. . .baby cake. . .baby cake. . .eat a shoe. . .or whatever the book read. . .it was a blur at this point.
I'm fully aware that this is all in my head. . .but it was the longest baby book I'd ever read. . .horribly embarrassing. . .and I swear that several times Cole looked back at me just to rub it in. After the stories, Miss Mary Beth dumped a box of toys in the middle of the room and the babies had fun playing with the toys and each other. . .
And in the end Cole met a nice chubby baby named Joseph who really liked to keep his fist in Cole's mouth. Of course I was far too embarrassed to be taking pictures for you. . .so I don't have any proof of this event. But if we decide to return next week. . .I'll sneak a video for you.
What I can share, however. . .is a picture of a latch hook I made for Cole! Yes, me. And yes, latch hook. I seemed to remember liking latch hooks and thinking they were nice. Once I made one. . .I realized they aren't very nice and now I have this scratchy, sort of ugly rug thing that I need to do something with. Here are some pictures of my masterpiece:
stroller strides
9 months and climbing!
happy halloween!
Cole and I carved this pumpkin the other day. . .well, Cole watched politely while I carved. It's by far my best work. . .I'm usually limited to the triangle eyes, nose and mouth designs.
flu shots and cheerios
Dr. M is also my doctor and Bill's doctor. . .and we'll both be looking forward to getting our flu shots at our next visits. Great!
Here we are getting ready to go. . .
check this out
(There were other people in the picture as well. . .but I don't want to put their early 90's hair on the Internet. . .) ;-)
I know a lesbian. . .he works at the post office!
I'm sadder than I thought I'd be, too. It's made me think about our relationship and how it relates to me now that I'm a mom. My Gram was closer to me than any aunt, uncle or cousin I have, and for a good portion of my teen angst years. . .closer to me than my folks. She was able to explain things in a way I could understand when I wasn't willing to listen to many other people. We were very close and she was a confidant of mine that I'll really miss having around.
If I didn't realize it before, I sure do now that I need to help Cole establish relationships with his grandparents like my folks did with mine. Both my grandparents really helped shape who I am, and Cole will be very fortunate to have similar relationships with his.
In classic Grammy style. . .she wrote her own obituary. Here's a link to it: http://www.webfh.com/fh/obituaries/obituary.cfm?o_id=206753&fh_id=10707&s_id=06A7980AC04FE44678BF842173AE69F9
I think I laughed out loud when I got to the part that said. . ."she enjoyed going to Foxwoods." She sure did.
Some friends have reminded me of some funny Gram moments that we've had together. . .like the time. . .
. . .she asked a group of my friends if they knew what condoms were. . .and then fell into our Christmas tree because she was drunk. . . .
. . .told another group of my friends that "she had a friend that was a lesbian. . .and he worked at the post office". . .
. . .gave Bill a martini when he was 19. . .
. . .told my most recent boss that I really shouldn't be working for his "crummy place" because I have a Master's Degree. . .
. . .pinched Cole to hear him cry because "she just loves the sound of babies crying". . .
. . .brought a dish of raw meat stuffing to Thanksgiving and insisted it had been in the oven for over an hour. . .
Makes me laugh. . .and that's a good thing.
Cole got a neat CD the other day. . .Lullaby Renditions of Radiohead. Radiohead is one of Bill's favorite bands and this CD is a collection of their songs, made into instrumental lullabies. I think Bill enjoyed it more than Cole. If you're interested. . .they have about a million others to choose from. . .like lullabies from the Beatles, Pink Floyd, the Rolling Stones, Led Zepplin, AC/DC, Metallica, the Cure, Bob Marley. . .and more! http://www.rockabyebabymusic.com/web/page.asp?pgs=products
We'll be in Gardner most of the weekend, but Monday will see Dr. M for our weight check up. I'll keep you posted next week how we made out!
scrambled eggs with cauliflower?
apple picking
Cole rode on Uncle Jack's back all day.
Trying to pick his own apples. . .
Cole's big dunk
more teeth, rocking dinosaurs and 17 pounds later. . .
We went for our weight check with Dr. M yesterday and was told we'll need to go back in another 6 weeks. I feel. . .or rather my arms feel that Cole is gaining weight just fine, but he's dipped a little on his 'track' so she would like to check and confirm that the dip is related to his recent increase in activity level. He weighed almost 17 pounds and grew almost another inch from his last check six weeks ago. So long as we have the same growth in October, we'll be all set.
Cole is eating everything I put in front of him. He'll make horrible faces at foods like avocados and peas, but eat them all up and ask for more. All while making a "this is horrible" face. He's having about two servings of fruits and veggies with cereal everyday in addition to his normal milk intake. I'm still convinced I have a future linebacker on my hands.
He's also started to get up on his knees and rock back and forth. We're not quite at the crawling stage yet, but he's scooting everywhere like a pro! I tried to get some pictures this morning of him on all fours, but he laid down every time I tried. He's much more interested in getting a hold of the camera. . .
Cole also sat on his rocking dinosaur this week and loved it. Course he needs to be supported while riding, but I can easily see that this will be one of his favorite toys. He even "pet" the dinosaur nicely when I asked him to! (We finally got rid of both cats this week and Cole has been missing being able to chase them).